Berhenti RokokHenti VapeHow to Quit SmokingMantapp MalaysiaQuit SmokingQuit VapeStop Smoking Bad BreathVelo Malaysia
A Comprehensive List of Health Effects from Smoking
Smoking cigarettes exposes the body to over 7,000 chemicals. At least 70 of these are known to cause cancer, and many more are defined as poisonous. The health effects of inhaling these toxic substances are systemic – smoking affects all...
Berhenti RokokHenti VapeHow to Quit SmokingMantapp MalaysiaQuit SmokingQuit VapeStop Smoking Bad BreathVelo Malaysia
in 2023, the MVCC reported that more than 1.4 million Malaysians were regularly taking their nicotine from electronic devices. And their popularity isn’t going away any time soon, as of 2023, the vaping market in the Malaysia was worth a staggering RM3.5 Billion, and the global vape market is expected to be worth USD$61 billion globally by 2025.
How to Keep Your Breath Fresh After You Quit Smoking
You're off the cigarettes and hoping your breath smells as fresh as you feel – but your friends are telling you otherwise. Unfortunately, the oral effects of smoking can hang around for longer than you’d expect, and freshening up your breath is more complicated than chewing mints.